Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Grow Up? You First...

I'm a big kid. I play games with little toy soldiers, read books about Dwarves and Goblins, and watch movies largely concerned with spaceships. I dream about owning a Corvette Stingray and painting it maroon and white. I play romping games with my kids as an equal, not a parent. And I couldn't be happier.

Who the hell wants to grow up, really?

The grown-up world is full of all sorts of insanity. With a nod to Scott Adams, we spend the best years of our lives in a fabric-covered box to earn money to pay the bank and the government. We consume media which is determined by committees to be socially acceptable and highly marketable. We eat fast food which is identical in thirty-one thousand restaurants around the world. And we obey rules handed to us by ancient books, stilted societies and conservative governments.

And we do all of this without question.

Fuck that.

I challenge every one of you to the following:
  1. Spend an hour running around naked. Kids do it without shame or fear, you can do it too.
  2. Unplug your TV, and turn off your phone and your computer for a whole day. It won't kill you and the world will still be there when you get back.
  3. Play a game of cops and robbers with your best friend. Or maybe hide and seek.
  4. Run around in the local park until you're so exhausted you can barely stand up.
  5. Go to the lolly shop and ask what you can get for $10 (financial progress being what it is ;-)
  6. And for God's sake, laugh the whole time through.
We need a better social order, one that we want and not just one that we inherit. Go out there, break a few moulds, and find it. Because before our kids "grow up", they've already got it all figured out.


  1. Constable Pink Been and Sergeant Mama are totally hunting down your naked robber butt in a park this weekend! I plan to do all six of these at the nearest possible opportunity...

  2. Well, i am proud to say i do number 1 and 2 frequently, however i fear number 4 would kill me!

  3. OMG. by the definitions above, i am a giant child and didn't realise.

    does playing hide and seek with a cat count though? i'm deciding to count it in this case. sometimes i swear more than i laugh during that particular game though.
