Saturday, May 22, 2010

Drama, drama, drama

I don't really watch much TV, and when I do it tends to be sport or documentaries (my favourite flavour of soma). I certainly don't watch soaps, sit-coms or otherwise dramatic shows because I find that there is quite enough drama in my life as it is. But why is there drama in my life? Why can't I just have a quiet day at the office followed by a quiet dinner with my family and a quiet evening at home? I am fairly convinced that the answer is all around me, and it is thus:

We are all so desperate for attention that we will go to extraordinary lengths to get it.

I blame the media for this (and a bunch of other things which will no doubt come out over the life of my blog). We are force-fed celebrity culture through magazines, websites, billboards and TV shows until it becomes an ingrained element of our social fabric. We all want to be celebrities, and we can't, because if everyone was a celebrity then no-one would be. And the truth is that we are struggling to be noticed as one amongst countless millions. In frustration we increase the drama in our lives until we get the level of attention we subconsciously desire. Holden and Ford drivers race each other along suburban roads, each desperate for their little piece of Mount Panorama. People hold loud conversations on their mobile phones in case anyone else wants in. Facial expressions are exaggerated, language is more obscene, piercings are more prominent and tattoos more prevalent.

Look at me. LOOK AT ME!!

At least The Joker had the decency to know he was insane.

1 comment:

  1. totally agree - i have blamed holywood for most of the worlds ills for a long time now
